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Ausgewählte Themen der Architektur


The Language of Architecture – Sprache wird Architektur

Recent advancements in the field of artificial intelligence have created powerful tools for the generation of images of architecture based on text prompts. Speaking and writing – once considered inferior to drawings and models – become powerful and immediate design driver. At the intersection artistic exploration and rigorous analysis, this seminar investigates the unexpected digital renaissance of text and trains your competence to write (about) architecture in the age of machine learning and instant artistic practice.


Jüngste Entwicklungen im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz geben uns Werkzeuge von ungeahnter Kraft in die Hand um aus einfachen Texteingaben eindrucksvolle Bildwelten entstehen zu lassen. Sprechen und Schreiben, gegenüber Zeichnungen und Modellen einst als schwächere Entwurfsmittel begriffen, werden zu leistungsstarken und unmittelbaren Architekturwerkzeugen. An der Schnittstelle von künstlerischer Praxis und scharfer Analyse erkundet das Seminar die überraschende digitale Renaissance der Sprache im Zeitalter des maschinellen Lernens und trainiert die Fähigkeit Architektur zu (be-)schreiben.


Detailed Schedule:

First Session:                     18.10.22              Introduction

Introduction Students: exposure to AI and writing

Introduction Hannes (manege, ETH, archithese)

Schedule / Guests / Expectations

Input HM – 30min / discussion


Second Session:               25.10.22              Workshop: Text-to-image with Cenk

Learn to work with, Dall-e, DreamStudio, dreamfields, neural radiance

Syntax, Weights, Style, Camera, Format

Discussion with Cenk and Students on the future of “writing architecture”

Topics: Technologies, Making it 3D, Authorship


Hand-out exercise 1: Prepare for 3rd Session (2W)

See session 08.11.22


Third Session:                   08.11.22               Language Laboratory:

Syntax, logic, weights, learning, algorithms
“Assemblage” in the age of AI

Group 1: diffusion

Group 2: encoding/decoding

Group 3: dimensionality reduction

Group 4: Image Encoding / Labelling


Hand-out exercise 2:

Step 1: Generate Image “P”, send to student B (10.11)

Step 2: student B to “imagine” text prompt, send this prompt to student C (14:11)

Step 3: student C writes (about) the architecture based on the imagined text prompt. 2000 Characters incl. spaces (24.11)


Fourth Session:                29.11.22               Writing (about) architecture and AI

See Step 1/2/3 in parallel. Review Texts Step3 with Feedback from Hannes

Hand-out exercise 3a: Critique the image. student C critiques image P. 2000 Characters incl. spaces. 3b: take in feedback and refine text from exercise 2. 

Submission 1                     18.12.22              define submission deadline with students in line with other

dates, e.g. design studio presentations etc.       


Fifth Session:                    10.01.23               Refine / Define


Sixth Session:                   24.01.23               Stage / Review


Bild: Hannes Mayer


Hannes Mayer


WS 22-23


Institut ./studio3


18.10.2022, 14.00h bis 16.00h
25.10.2022, 14.00h bis 16.00h
08.11.2022, 14.00h bis 16.00h
29.11.2022, 14.00h bis 16.00h
18.12.2022, 14.00h bis 16.00h
10.01.2023, 14.00h bis 16.00h
24.01.2023, 14.00h bis 16.00h